Syntax: shisa tempban <member> [duration] [days] [reason]

duration is the amount of time the user should be banned for.

days is the amount of days of messages to cleanup on tempban.


shisa tempban @Twentysix Because I say so

This will ban Twentysix for the default amount of time set by an administrator.

shisa tempban @Twentysix 15m You need a timeout

This will ban Twentysix for 15 minutes.

shisa tempban 428675506947227648 1d2h15m 5 Evil person

This will ban the user for 1 day 2 hours 15 minutes and will delete the last 5 days of their messages.

Type shisa help <command> for more info on a command. You can also type shisa help <category> for more info on a category.