Syntax: shisa ban <user> [days] [reason]
is the amount of days of messages to cleanup on ban.
shisa ban 428675506947227648 7 Continued to spam after told to stop.
This will ban Twentysix and it will delete 7 days worth of messages.
shisa ban @Twentysix 7 Continued to spam after told to stop.
This will ban Twentysix and it will delete 7 days worth of messages.
A user ID should be provided if the user is not a member of this server.
If days is not a number, it’s treated as the first word of the reason.
Minimum 0 days, maximum 7. If not specified, the defaultdays setting will be used instead.
Type shisa help <command> for more info on a command. You can also type shisa help <category> for more info on a category.